
Amy Antzoulatos
Dr. Amy Antzoulatos has been practicing in the Yorkville/Annex neighborhood since 1994. She began her career in the field of biochemistry before completing her Doctor of Dental Surgery Degree from the University of Toronto. Part of the ODA and Toronto Central Dental Society, Dr Amy as affectionately known by her patients, keeps up to date on the latest dental discoveries. Dr Amy has also taught at the Faculty of Dentistry, University of Toronto in the disciplines of Oral Diagnosis and Emergency Care. When not striving to keep her patients happy and healthy Dr Amy enjoys travelling with her loving husband of 25 years and their son, Christopher.

Lisa has been a practicing dental hygienist for over 25 years. She earned her Dental Hygiene Diploma with honours at Durham College in 1994. Also, as part of the North Dental Hygiene Society, she continues to update herself on the most current developments in dental hygiene. She has been a part of Dr Amys dental team since 2017. She is passionate about helping her patients achieve their optimal oral health. With her vast experience, she strives to continue to deliver the highest quality of care to her patients. Her goal is to always provide a safe and stress free environment for her clients.
Lisa is a busy hockey mom of two teens, who is always on the go. In her spare time she enjoys working out and spending quality time with her family and friends.

Dental Assistant
Luda joined Dr Amys dental team in 2016. She is a certified dental assistant with numerous years both in Ukraine, her homeland, as well as in Canada. As Dr Amys right hand, she is always one step ahead of Dr Amys needs providing the patients with an effortless and positive experience in the dental chair. Luda has an abundance of stories to tell our patients and when they are not engaged on Netflix in the operatory they enjoy the banter with Luda before their procedure begins.
Luda is the mom of an adult aged son. She loves the Canadian outdoors, and travelling with her husband to many national parks and reserves where they enjoy fishing and camping.

Office Manager
Helen has been in office administration for over 15 years. She is a recent but valuable addition to Annex Dentistry. Although she started with Dr Amy in Jan 2020, she immediately fit right into the office and the existing team.
Helen has a diploma in travel and tourism which made her an ideal candidate to handle the intricacies of our patient service experience . Helen's role at Annex Dentistry is to make sure our existing and new patients have a positive experience with every aspect of care at our office.
Helen is a mom of an adolescent son. Helen enjoys travelling with her family and gatherings around a good meal. In her spare time she enjoys both playing and watching sports. Go Leafs Go!!!

Sanitization Team Member
Margie is one of our hardest working employees. Margie joined our office in 2011 as our Sterilization Assistant. Margie works tirelessly to ensure that every aspect of our office meets and exceeds provisional and governmental protocols and guidelines on sterilization and disinfection. She most recently played an invaluable role disinfecting high touch point areas in the office to protect our patients and team members from COVID 19. Margie takes her role at Annex Dentistry very seriously and you will find her chasing behind our patients making sure that the office is kept sparkling!!
Margie is the mom of a university age son. In her spare time she enjoys family gatherings and playing badminton.

Team Member
Carolyn has been with our practice for over 20 years. She started off as a patient but was quickly hired to run the office. She had a style and grace about her that she brought to Annex Dentistry and the patients grew very fond of her. While Carolyn is officially "retired" as our office manager, she has never left the practice. She can be spotted in the back office still working away or at the front desk chatting with patients she has not seen for some time. If you are lucky enough to catch Carolyn between trips to New York and abroad, stop and say hello. She is always eager to catch up!!